Wednesday, February 16
Kelowna Canadian Italian Club: 6:00 pm talk on Zoom called “The Evolution of Italian Dialects”. Register on Eventbrite.
Monday, February 21 (Family Day)
Sncewips Heritage Museum will be open on Family Day and throughout the week from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Drop-ins welcome; groups up to 10 people are allowed but must book ahead of time.
Okanagan Military Museum has a special event called “Escape from Mannequin Madness”. To register visit
Westbank Museum has a historic building scavenger hunt.
Laurel Packing House has special activities. Register with the Kelowna Museums.
Lake Country Museum and Archives will have local Stroll Guides for Winfield and Okanagan Centre. The stroll guides can be picked up for free from the museum Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 1-4pm. Also on Family Day; ‘Mystery at the Museum’. You will need to register;
Princeton Museum has a virtual tour of their museum.
Information Tent at Stuart Park from 12:00 – 2:00 pm with Heritage Week info., COHS info, Kelowna Tree Protectors’ info. and other heritage brochures.
Tuesday, February 22
6:30 – 8:00 Virtual talk by Dave Obee called “A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers”. Register on the Okanagan Regional Library events calendar.
Watch The Daily Courier for this year’s Heritage Award Winners!
Wednesday, February 23
7:00 pm Kelowna Museums is offering a virtual workshop called “Checking in on Truth and Reconciliation.” To register, visit
Lake Country Museum and Archives will have local Stroll Guides for Winfield and Okanagan Centre. The stroll guides can be picked up for free from the museum Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 1-4pm
Thursday, February 24
1:00 – 2:00 pm Claire Smith-Burns will give a talk at the library called “Local Resources for Family and Local History”. Also available on Zoom. Register with ORL events calendar.
1:00 – 4:00 pm “Genealogists in Residence” will assist individuals at the library with searching their family tree. You must pre-book on the ORL events calendar for a 20-minute individual assistance session.
7:00 pm Central Okanagan Heritage Awards Presentation will be hosted on Zoom. Register with the Central Okanagan Heritage Society. or 250-861-7188
Saturday, February 26
3:00 pm Okanagan Heritage Museum presents “Los Tours del Museo.” For more information, visit
Lake Country Museum and Archives will have local Stroll Guides for Winfield and Okanagan Centre. The stroll guides can be picked up for free from the museum Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 1-4pm
The Okanagan Regional - Main Library will have a draw for prizes at 2:00 pm. for those who filled in forms suggesting possible heritage personalities for future genealogy projects.
1:00 – 3:00. KSAN, is hosting a ‘Queen’s High Tea’ on Saturday, Feb 26 1:00 – 3:00. There will also be a birthday cake for the heritage houses that are turning 100 this year in the Abbott St. and Marshall St. areas. Tickets are $40 + fees and are available at All Covid protocols will be followed.
On Going Events During the Week:
Okanagan Heritage Museum presents “Waterways”. Learn more at
The Okanagan Regional - Main Library will have a number of “Heritage Personality” posters on display. By completing a form people will be entered into a draw for prizes.
Westbank Museum has a new ongoing fur trade exhibit.
See all the Heritage Week events on Facebook @HeritageWeekOkanagan