With the sun shining on a cool Spring day we got to work on what will become a lovely rose garden just adjacent to the old entrance of Benvoulin Church.
Throughout history people have been fascinated by roses. From their beautiful colours and delightful fragrance to their dangerous spiky stems. The first formal rose garden was apparently planted (with help I'm sure) by empress Josephine de Beauharnais at Malmaison, France in the early 19th century.
Roses are said to welcome guests with their beauty and fragrance which is why these lovely gardens are often grown near the main entrance of a home.
The garden area we are busy working on is being cleared of day lilies & irises. The peonies will be transplanted along the fence line which will further enhance the welcoming atmosphere of Benvoulin Heritage Church.
Yesterday two of us spent over four hours pruning, digging out and planting. There is lots of work to do but the garden is taking shape.
We will be having a Spring work party. No date has been set yet so stay tuned.